Welcome to the 17q12 Interest Group

Patient Insights Network


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elcome to the 17q12 Interest Group PIN (Patient Insights Network) page! The purpose of this registry is to gain a better understanding of the medical, developmental, and behavioral features associated with 17q12 deletions and duplications.
The information provided by individuals and their families will help to improve the diagnosis and clinical care for all those affected by this rare genetic variant. The information that you provide is “de-identified” by Invitae, meaning no one will be able to see your name, date of birth, or other identifying data.
Please take a moment to register. Your participation is invaluable in advancing our knowledge of 17q12 deletions and duplications, and improving the lives of affected individuals and their families.

Click here to register now!

elcome to the 17q12 Interest Group PIN (Patient Insights Network) page! The purpose of this registry is to gain a better understanding of the medical, developmental, and behavioral features associated with 17q12 deletions and duplications.
The information provided by individuals and their families will help to improve the diagnosis and clinical care for all those affected by this rare genetic variant. The information that you provide is “de-identified” by Invitae, meaning no one will be able to see your name, date of birth, or other identifying data.
Please take a moment to register. Your participation is invaluable in advancing our knowledge of 17q12 deletions and duplications, and improving the lives of affected individuals and their families.